
The annual assembly and expert meeting of FICE Serbia was held

From May 22 to 23, 2024, the annual assembly and expert gathering of the Association of Experts for Child and Family Support - FICE Serbia was held. CPSU NS, as one of the members, participated in this event held in the premises of SOS Children's Village Kraljevo. Our organization was represented by Aleksandra Stepanov, foster care advisor.
The expert meeting provided an opportunity for institutions and organizations that are members of FICE Serbia to exchange information about their key activities. Experiences and examples of good practice in the field of kinship care for children and young people, as well as kinship foster care, were presented. Professionals from the field of social protection, who attended the event, emphasized the multiple importance of such gatherings - not only because of the transmission of useful information, but also because of the exchange of experiences that are key to improving practice.