Centre for Foster Care and Adoption Novi Sad is part of Serbia’s social welfare system. Centre was founded on February 19th 2015 by the Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. It covers the territory of South Backa, Srem and Central Banat Administrative Districts.
As a social protection institution our major activities covers provision of family placement for beneficiaries as well as provision of professional/expert support to a foster cares providers or adoptive parents.
Centre carries out following activities:
1) Popularization and development of foster care - family placement;
2) Participation in the assessment of candidate family’s general eligibility and preparation for foster care;
3) Creation of a foster care data base;
4) Participation in foster care family selection;
5) Participation in planning of services and measures aiming to protect foster care beneficiaries;
6) Monitoring and insight into the implementation of foster care purpose;
7) Provision of support for beneficiaries and foster care families;
8) Participation in the process of preparation of beneficiaries to egress from the social protection system or to shift service they have been receiving heretofore;
9) Conduction of the researches;
10) Training of professionals, foster parents and adoptive parents;
11) Development, implementation and participation in social protection projects;
12) Creation and publication of professional literature;
13) Provision of information and organization of promotions, conferences and seminars;
By launching Centre for Foster Care and Adoption Novi Sad, Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina directly contributed to the achievement of the main reform objectives stated in the strategic documents of the Republic of Serbia. In this way services, measures and forms of social care for children and the elderly are being expanded, where the priority is given to the development of alternative forms of social protection comparing to institutional care. This ensures equal opportunities for all.
The Centre is innovative institution within the social protection system of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. It has been founded with the aim of building modern approaches for beneficiary protection.