
Positive Parenting – A Gift for the Whole Life

As a continuation of the campaign Every moment is important – the first 1000 days for a lifetime, which aims to raise conscience of the importance of early chidhood, support early development and the importance of providing conditions in which each family can create a quality environment for the development of a child, UNICEF in Serbia and globally, together with all partners, notes June as a month of support for stimulating parenting and positive parental practices under the slogan "Positive parenting – A Gift for the Whole Life".
Except promotional activity in public services and social networks, the UNICEF office in Serbia also invited local communities to propose various activities to promote the idea of guality, stimulating parenting, health, nutrition and learning through family play and the care of the child overall development. Novi Sad, as a local community, has been recognized as one of the most important in this campaign. Members of the Chlidren's Network of Novi Sad responded with a pleasure to UNICEF's invitation and created different activities, which will transmit important campaign messages in June.
Activities in Novi Sad are intended both for families and for professionals in June. Through these activities they will try to emphasize that the family is responsible for creating a warm, safe and stimulating enviroment for children's development, but also that it is the responsibility of the community to provide accessible, appropriate support for each family in order to fulfill its guarding role.
On the link below, you can see schedule of activities for Novi Sad: www.cpsuns.rs/multimedia/file/Mesec%20roditeljstva-%20Aktivnosti%20u%20Novom%20Sadu.pdf