Visit of the representative of the NIRAS technical assistance team
On Tuesday, June 12, 2018, the project team of the Children's Village "Dr. Milorad Pavlović" and the Center for Foster care and Adoption of Novi Sad, were visited by the representative of the NIRAS technical assistance team. The monitoring visit referred to the project "Independent Living for All" or "Independent Living for All" funded under the grant scheme: "Development of Effective Community Services in the Area of Education and Social Welfare at the Local Level". The visit monitoring included the following elements: brief introduction to project and project staff, review of project progress and discussion of project specifics, overview of available project documentation, as well as providing on-site expert support in understanding procedures, contractual obligations and recommendations for business improvement . This monitoring visit was led by Mrs. Andreja Tonč, Team Leader of Technical Assistance and Grant Expert.