Starting training program "Safe step to foster care"
The Center for foster care and adoption Novi Sad started in november with a program for preparing and training foster care candidates. The "Safe step to foster care" training program consisting eleven thematic units implemented in parallel for two groups of candidates.
The training for the first group of potential foster parents is being realized in Novi Sad and has 22 candidates from the territory of the municipality of Novi Sad. The training held in Vrbas includes 20 foster care candidates from Vrbas, Bečej and Srbobran. This is the regular regional activity of the Center for foster care and adoption of Novi Sad since it began with direct work with users in September 2015. In this way, the Center for foster care and Adoption of Novi Sad encourages the development of a network of foster families in the territory of South Bačka, Srem and Central Banat Administrative District.